The Duke Ivan then calls together a prestigious council of six trusted advisors to restore order and end the conflict that set ablaze Ashan’s lands. The Empress’ murder has left a realm in flames with many hungry rivals ready to seize the throne by force. Our story takes place during a war of succession. One of which the world had not seen the likes of before. The story follows Ivan Griffin, Duke of Griffin Duchy, in his pursuit of the crown after the dissolution of the Falcon Empire but to do so he must band together with a force of allies. The game takes place some 200 years after the events of Shades of Darkness, and ten years after the assassination of the Holy Empress Maeve Falcon (i.e. It features a campaign series of levels, standalone and multiplayer scenarios. The heroes and their armies battle the opponents, who also use heroes to lead their forces.
Like the other games in the series, players control leaders with magical abilities termed as “heroes,” who recruit a variety of forces from strongholds. Might & Magic Heroes VII (commonly shortened to MMH7 or HOMM7) is a turn-based strategy game in the Heroes of Might and Magic series.